Monday, March 18, 2013

DL Triples with ES (13 & 14)

Another repeat but slightly different for this two-week block applying the principles from the book "Easy Strength" to build up my strength to be able to easily follow a similar format from a blog article on and using all of the six basic movements from Dan John's book "Intervention"; a push, pull, hinge, squat, carry, and "roll, kneel, and lunge". I'll begin with a warm-up of prying goblet squats, TGUs, and two-handed swings. After a dead-lift set of triples, I'll add 3 body-weight pull-ups, a 28kg clean & press x 3/3 for half of the sets and a 32kg for the other half, a 16kg renegade row x 3/3, and then after all sets are finished, alternating days of squats or swings and two-hand carries (See below).

Today I did 5 sets of dead-lift triples x 230lbs (65% 1RM) with 5 minutes of rest between sets.
On Tuesday I'll do 5 sets x 245lbs (70% 1RM).
Wednesday will be 4 sets x 260lbs (75% 1RM).
Thursday 3 sets x 280lbs (80% 1RM).
Friday 3 sets x 300lbs (85% 1RM).
Repeat on Monday with an added 10lbs per day for the dead-lift and press a 32kg for 2/3 of the sets and a 28kg for the remainder.

Warm-up (x reps x sets):
24kg Prying Goblet Squats x 3 x 1
24kg TGU x 1/1 x 2
24kg Swings x 10 x 3

Dead-lift x 3
Pull-up x 3
Kettlebell C&P x 3/3
Renegade Row x 3/3
Rest and repeat for prescribed amount of sets.

Alternating days for squats and swings:
32kg Goblet Squat x 4 x 3 or Double 24kg Front Squat x 4 x 3
32kg Swing x 12 x 5 or Double 24kg Swing x 6 x 5

Day = Squats or Swings, and Carries:
Example for this Wednesday (32kg Goblet squat x 4 x 3, 32kgL/28kgR Racked Carry x 60 feet, switch, 28kgL+32kgR Racked Carry x 60 feet). Done.

Week 13
Mo = Dbl FSQ x 3 x 4 then 48kg/40kg Farmer Carry x 120 feet.
Tu = Sw x 12 x 5 then 40kg/36kg Farmer Carry x 120 feet.
We = GSQ x 4 x 3 then 32kg/28kg Racked Carry x 120 feet.
Th = Dbl Sw x 6 x 5 then 28kg/24kg Overhead Carry x 120 feet.
Fr = Dbl FSQ x 4 x 3 then 24kg/20kg Overhead Carry x 120 feet.

Week 14
Mo = Sw x 12 x 5 then 48kg/40kg Farmer Carry x 120 feet.
Tu = GSQ x 5 x 3 then 40kg/36kg Farmer Carry x 120 feet.
We = Dbl Sw x 6 x 5 then 32kg/28kg Racked Carry x 120 feet.
Th = Dbl FSQ x 3 x 5 then 28kg/24kg Overhead Carry x 120 feet.
Fr = Sw x 14 x 5 then 24kg/20kg Overhead Carry x 120 feet.

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