Saturday, January 2, 2010

32kg Heavy Swing (2-A)

32kg Swing x 20 on the minute x 11.
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.


Anonymous said...

Heavy swings - looking good!

Do you always do two handed swings?

keep up the good work - and a Happy Newyear from Denmark.

John Roberts said...

Happy New Year Mike!

When swinging, I like to mix it up. I'll begin with two-handed and stagger them between hand-to-hand swings. It's a form of rest in a way. Also, I'll ladder them up and down. Such as when swinging twenty on the minute for fifteen minutes:
20 two-handed
20 hand-to-hand singles
20 two-handed
4 hand-to-hand fives
20 two-handed
2 hand-to-hand tens
20 two-handed
20 left handed
20 right handed
20 two-handed
2 hand-to-hand tens
20 two-handed
4 hand-to-hand fives
20 two-handed
20 hand-to-hand singles

How is your hunger while on Radiant Dawn?

Anonymous said...

Regarding my hunger on Radiant Dawn - it's not different than my everyday hunger.

It's a fine little program - try it out. I'm personally not a big fan of programs - but this is right up my alley.

John Roberts said...

Oh yeah, I must have been thinking about "Return of the Kettlebell", but that's another program where I've heard that one needs to stock up on extra groceries. Keep up the progress!