My back-off week was a little different. Two days of light exercise, two days of preparing for my home's termite fumigation, and then three days of getting back to a normal "living" routine.
I plan on a slow three week build-up of same-but-different to my exercise routine except for mobility, stretch and warm-up, of course! This plan will consist of a specialized TGU with light, medium, and heavy days with alternating days of light, medium, and heavy days of swings and snatches. The fourth week will be another back-off.
Every morning mobility:
Z-health NWU Level 1
Every day's stretch and warm-up:
Face the wall squats, 16kg Halos, Pump stretches, Brettzel, and 16kg RKC Armbars.
This afternoon:
20kg RKC TGU with 15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L&R.
Time per side was around 3:15. Total time under tension was around 6:30.
(RPE 19: This was tough stuff on the last two steps!)
Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners
(RPE 16)
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