Every other Thursday I am replacing a MVO2 day with TGUs and Swings. As the volume of snatches will rise later toward the end of this 15:15 protocol, my plan is to begin with a low volume of TGUs and a high volume of swings to progressively higher TGUs and lower swings.
Shame on me for not doing any double swings since August! I guess the wide stance is a little awkward but necessary. So, I decided to mix it up. The single 16kg just flew but gave me a chance to work on technique.
1 alternating 16kg TGU on the minute x 4
(About 50-55 seconds per repetition per minute)
Rest 1 min
Double 16kg Swings x 20 on the minute
Single 16kg Swings x 20 on the minute
Repeat x 6
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