Face the wall squat, pump stretch, and 16kg halo x 10
15:15 MVO2 protocol:
16kg x 8 reps x 28 sets
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) = 18
1. I detected a power loss on the 17th set.
2. I wanted to quit during the 24th set.
3. Double breathing was non-existent but wanted to creep in on the 21st set.
False Red Flying Pig Alert: Feeling much better!
What kind of a scale are you using for RPE?? I use a 1-10 scale. I'm hoping you use a 1-20 scale.
8 rep MVO2 is a killer!! Nice job!! I
Hi Amy,
Killer indeed!
Actually, I am using the 15-Point Borg scale. I wrote a little about it on MVO2 Session 4:
It's kind of an obscure scale that begins with 6 and ends with 20. This is one of my sources:
I guess if I were to use the 10-Point scale, I'd be adding decimals instead of my current use of pluses(+) and possible soon-to-be minuses(-). Like a Professor! :)
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