After I did today's practice, I read Sean Schniederjan's Blog to find out what will be happening at the Hardstyle Ventura. From what I read about the kind of pain Pavel is going to put on us, I haven't been practicing much of the movements or any at all. The one arm push-ups, hand stand push-ups, and pistols are new territory for me. So, today I added in a few front squats to do something different. I was still a little stiff in the shoulders yesterday from last Thursday's C&Ps. If my legs are good to me later this week, I'll add a few more squats with some C&Ps, pull-ups, swings and probably skip the snatches. My practice has not been geared toward this one-day event. All I need to do is make sure I am well enough to put on my learning cap!
Mobility, stretch, and warm-up:
Z-Health, 16kg Armbars & Halos, Wall squats, Pump, and Brettzel.
24kg RKC TGU:
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R/1L/ x 3.
Total time under tension 6:30.
(RPE 15)
Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 15)
28kg Front Squat:
3L/3R x 3
(RPE 16)
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