Saturday, September 13, 2008

King TUT outwits The Sultans of Swing!

While mixing the Program Minimum, I wanted to keep track of my TGU time under tension (TUT) while including swings in the practice. However, the time per TGU varies whether by left or right side and as the practice continues. So, I noticed the first TGU repetition time of 45 seconds, and then got into position for swings until the Gymboss beeped on the minute. Also, I know I can do about 40 swings per minute, which would mean about 30 swings per 45 seconds. These 15 seconds gave me enough time to get into position and prepare (rest) for the TGU or the swing. King TUT is saved from being captured by The Sultans of Swing!

Today's ETK Program Minimum Mix- Week 5, Day 4
Wall Squats, Halos, & Pump x 10 reps: 5 minutes

32kg x 4 rounds:
TGU x 1L
Two-handed Swings x 30
TGU x 1R
Two-handed Swings x 30

Total TGU time under tension: 6 minutes
Total Swings: 240

Overhead Carry singles 30 sec

King TUT and The Sultans of Swing Mix-It-UP (Circa 1978)

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1 comment:

BITSA said...

Thanks. I luv DS.