Monday, May 18, 2009

A little bit of prehab experimentation

while not trying to push my enthusiasm...

10 minutes of mobility with Z-health NWU
12 minutes of beginner's Eischens Yoga
3L&R Reps of 16kg armbars
2L&R naked get-ups (slight discomfort. No pain!)
24kg swings x 20 on the minute x 5 (RPE 16)

My body feels pretty good after this experiment.
Since I had no pain, I'm going to slowly work into more reps of naked TGUs before adding the 16kg. Hopefully next week!


Mike T Nelson said...

Gotta love the Z Health!

Keep rocking
Mike T Nelson
Z Health Master Trainer

John Roberts said...

Yes. Z Health is helping me to find many movement limitations and simultaneously extending those limitations. Good stuff!

Thanks for checking in Mike!