Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Medium TGUs I-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health NWU-1, 16kg RKC Armbars, Face the wall squats, 16kg Halos, Pump, and Brettzel. (The armbar before the Brettzel seems to feel better for me.)

Moving up 4kgs.
24kg RKC TGU with 7.5-second pauses x 6 steps up, a 15-second pause on the 7th step, and 7.5-second pauses x 6 steps down x 2L&R.
Time 7:00.
Flowing RKC TGU ("Trying" not to pause) x 2L&R
Time 2:00.
Total time under tension was 9:00
(RPE 19: Almost to failure during last set of the 7.5-second phase.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 17: Need to do this more during my back-off week.)

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