Monday, January 12, 2009

ROP Light and New Cycle

Well, I went with the 32kg on the 3-rung but had to change. Here's how it went:

24kg & 32kg C&P + Pull Ladders

Rest periods were 2:00 between ladders.

Ladders 1 & 2:
24kg C&P on Rungs 1 & 2
32kg C&P on Rung 3 (Had to push-press the last rep on the left side of the second ladder, then decided to revert to my previous routine.)

Ladders 3, 4 & 5:
32kg C&P on Rungs 1 & 2
24kg Military Press on Rung 3

5 ladders
3 Rungs

Pull ladder type:
1 Tactical pull-up
2 Close-grip pull-ups
3 Chin-ups

5-minute rest

32kg Snatches:
5L&R on the minute x 4
Total = 40 reps at 80% subjective effort.

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