The Gymboss is a great tool! I used it today to test myself a little on my road to the SSST (200 snatches in 10 minutes with a 24kg kettlebell). I just set the timer on 'Auto' for :03 and snatch away. Well, I was able to get to five minutes with just a couple awkward mid-air hand-to-hand transfer challenges, but I didn't accidentally or purposely drop the bell until I finished after the 7th minute of continuous snatching (PR). These transfer challenges would get me slightly behind the beep, but it was not a problem to catch up. I would look at the Gymboss and know my exact count, which is hard for me to do in my head while sucking wind!
Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.
24kg Snatch every 3 seconds x 10L/10R x 7
(RPE 18+)
Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.
It sounds like you have an excellent system for working towards the SSST using your gymboss! (kinda makes me jealous, I need to get one....)
How often will you attempt the SSST? I'm revving up my curiosity about this test but I need to poke it with a stick a little longer first. Any advice regarding the event as a whole?
Hi Tim,
If you like this subject line, wait until you see today's.
The best $20 I ever spent was a Gymboss. It's versatile, compact, and most of all removes a lot of thinking during practice while adding an objective standard to compare from previous practices.
I've been doing a modified Program Minimum with the major goal of achieving the SSST and a minor using the TGU for shoulder stability and strength for a future goal of pressing half my weight. I could have achieved the SSST today, but decided to savor the journey! Actually, the last couple snatching sessions I've been nervous, anxious, fearful, or whatever inhibited feeling goes with self-doubt. Now I have no doubt because I used a way that fits me, slow and steady.
There are many roads to reach the SSST such as Sr. RKC David Whitley's article, "How To Improve Your Secret Service Snatch Test Score"
and RKC Jared Savik's article, "So, You Want To Try The Secret Service Snatch Test, eh?"
But to really answer the question of how often will I attempt the SSST is that I haven't had a first attempt because I haven't "sucked-it-up" to go the whole ten minutes. If not this coming week, then for sure during my "Back-off" week I can say that I achieved the SSST on my first attempt!
From looking at how you train as the Warrior-Philosopher you are, my advice is to follow whatever method fits you, "suck-it-up", and have fun!
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