Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Medium TGUs III-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R&L.
Time 6:30
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R&L.
Time 2:10
Flowing RKC TGU x 1R/1L/1R/1L
Time 2:00.
Total time under tension was 10:40
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Light Swings III-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

28kg Swings x 20 on the minute x 13
(RPE 17)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16: Good sweat from the swings!)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Light TGUs III-C

Mobility, stretch, and warm-up:
Z-health, Armbars, Wall squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
10-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R/1L/1R/1L.
Total time under tension 8:40.

(RPE 18: Close, but no failure and a reduction in weakness on my "dominant" side.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heavy Snatches II-C

I was able to continuously snatch every three seconds for nine minutes without putting the bell down. I could have gone the whole ten, but I didn't "suck-it-up"! There were only a couple challenges when transferring the bell hand-to-hand.

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg Snatch every 3 seconds x 10L/10R x 9
(RPE 18+)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Heavy TGUs II-C

I began with my dominant side and found a few strengths and weaknesses on both sides that were magnified. It might be good do this switch until both sides become adapted and then switch again.

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R&L (Recovered from failure).
Time 6:30
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R/1L/1R/1L
Time 4:20
Flowing RKC TGU x 1R/1L/1R/1L/1R/1L
Time 3:00.
Total time under tension was 13:50

(RPE 19: I recovered once on my dominant (Right) side before failure by guiding the bell down safely, rest for about 5 seconds, get back to the proper position, and waited for the Gymboss beep before continuing.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Medium Swings II-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

28kg Swings x 20 on the minute x 14
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 17: Sweaty & shaky from the swings!)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Medium TGUs II-C

I began using my right side first to see if there was a difference. It seems that my left is slightly stronger or has more endurance than my right. I think I will do this for a while to see if things even out.

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R&L.
Time 6:30
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1R&L.
Time 2:10
Flowing RKC TGU x 1R/1L/1R/1L
Time 2:00.
Total time under tension was 10:40
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Light Snatches II-C

This is a repeat from last week's medium conditioning day. Again, I was able to continuously snatch every 3 seconds for seven minutes. This time there were no challenges when transferring the bell hand to hand.

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg Snatch every 3 seconds x 10L/10R x 7
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Light TGUs II-C

Mobility, stretch, and warm-up:
Z-health, Armbars, Wall squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
10-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L/1R/1L/1R.
Total time under tension 8:40.

(RPE 18: This time I recovered twice before total failure by guiding the bell down safely, resting about 3 seconds, got back up into postion, and waited for the Gymboss to beep.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Heavy Swings I-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

28kg Swings x 20 on the minute x 15
(RPE 19)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 17: Hot & sweaty from the swings!)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Heavy TGUs I-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L&R.
Time 6:30
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L/1R/1L/1R
Time 4:20
Flowing RKC TGU x 1L/1R/1L/1R/1L/1R
Time 3:00.
Total time under tension was 13:50

(RPE 19: At any time I was about to fail, I recovered before total failure by guiding the bell down safely, rest for about 3 seconds, get back up to proper position, and wait for the Gymboss beep before continuing.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 17)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Medium Snatches I-C

The Gymboss is a great tool! I used it today to test myself a little on my road to the SSST (200 snatches in 10 minutes with a 24kg kettlebell). I just set the timer on 'Auto' for :03 and snatch away. Well, I was able to get to five minutes with just a couple awkward mid-air hand-to-hand transfer challenges, but I didn't accidentally or purposely drop the bell until I finished after the 7th minute of continuous snatching (PR). These transfer challenges would get me slightly behind the beep, but it was not a problem to catch up. I would look at the Gymboss and know my exact count, which is hard for me to do in my head while sucking wind!

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg Snatch every 3 seconds x 10L/10R x 7
(RPE 18+)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Medium TGUs I-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
15-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L&R.
Time 6:30
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L&R.
Time 2:10
Flowing RKC TGU x 1L/1R/1L/1R
Time 2:00.
Total time under tension was 10:40
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Light Swings I-C

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

28kg Swings x 20 on the minute x 11
(RPE 18: Definitely closer to a medium day!)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Light TGUs I-C

Mobility, stretch, and warm-up:
Z-health, Armbars, Wall squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU:
10-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L/1R/1L/1R.
Total time under tension 8:40.

(RPE 18: My right lat and arm was very pumped during the last step, I recovered before total failure by guiding the bell down safely, resting 3 seconds, pressing back up with both hands, and counted 3 seconds past the Gymboss beep.)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Back-off Week II, Day 5

Z & Y

Z-Health NWU-1: 12 minutes.

Eischens Yoga for Warriors (Advanced): 24 minutes.
(RPE 16: Even though I barely break a sweat when finished, there's more than enough room for improvement in all positions for time and technique.)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back-off Week II, Day 4 - Snatch

I haven't experienced the 5-minute RKC Snatch test in quite a while. So, I took advantage of it today on my back-off week.

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

RKC 24kg Snatch Test:
10L&R x 2 (Rest 30 seconds) x 2 (Rest 30 seconds) x 1 (15 seconds remaining).
(RPE 17: This was easier than I thought and probably due to the rests. I am sure my RPE would have been MUCH higher if I did not put the bell down. It's been so long, I don't know if I could snatch 100 consecutively without fail.)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back-off Week II, Day 3 - Z & Y

Z-Health NWU-1: 12 minutes.

Eischens Yoga for Warriors (Advanced): 24 minutes.
(RPE 16: The 30-second hand stands were stronger, but a wall is needed as a major helper.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back-off Week II, Day 2

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

Double 16kg Swings x 20 on the minute
Single 16kg Swing, Flip, & Goblet Squat x 7 on the minute
Single 16kg Swings x 20 on the minute
Repeat x 3

Double 32kg Farmer Carry x :40
Rest :20
Double 24kg Racked Carry x :40
Rest :20
Double 16kg Overhead Carry x :40

(RPE 16)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Back-off Week II, Day 1 - Z & Y

Z-Health NWU-1: 12 minutes.

Eischens Yoga for Warriors (Advanced): 24 minutes.
(RPE 16: The hand stands were somewhat strong, except for a small pain in my right knuckle.)

With or without a kettlebell, I'll do something again tomorrow!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Heavy Snatches III-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg Snatches x 9L&R on the minute x 9
(RPE 19)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Heavy TGUs III-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

At no time during this session was I was about to fail like the previous weeks, but I was shaking slightly on a couple positions.

24kg RKC TGU:
7.5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 3L&R.
Time 9:45
5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 1L&R.
Time 2:10
Flowing RKC TGU x 1L&R
Time 1:00.
Total time under tension was 12:55
(RPE 18)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Medium Swings III-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

28kg Swings x 20 on the minute x 11
(RPE 19)

Cool Down:
No Yoga.
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Medium TGUs III-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg RKC TGU with 7.5-second pauses x 7 steps up and 6 steps down x 2L&R.
Time 6:30.
Flowing RKC TGU ("Trying" not to pause on each of the 7 steps) x 3L&R
Time 3:00.
Total time under tension 9:30
(RPE 17)

Cool Down:
Eischens Yoga for Beginners (Basic)
(RPE 16)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Light" Snatches III-B

Mobility, stretch and warm-up:
Z-Health, Armbars, Wall Squats, Halos, Pump, and Brettzel.

24kg Alternating L&R Snatches x 15 on the minute x 10
(RPE 19: More like an intense medium day!)

Cool Down:
Cold-Hot-Cold contrast shower.